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    Our selection of electric bikes from Aventon, Euphree and Velotric includes Cargo, Commuter, Cruiser, Fat Tire Off Road, Lightweight Urban, eMTB and Folding E-bikes.

    25 Products

    Electric Bike Brands carried at Bentgate in Golden, CO




    General Ebike Information

    E-Bike Regulations in Jefferson County, Colorado

    JeffCo has adopted a permanent policy for electric bicycle use on Jeeco Open Space managed trails:

    • Class 1 e-bikes are allowed on natural surface trails within the parks
    • Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes are allowed on paved trails within the parks

    Learn More about Jefferson County Colorado eBike regulations

    E-Bike Regulations in Golden, Colorado

    The city of Golden, CO follows Jefferson County regulations and restrictions on Electric Bikes.

    Golden, CO is the perfect city to enjoy your electric assisted bicycle. Our community has been received the Silver "Bicycle Friendly Community" award by the League of American Cyclists. Golden Colorado connects to surrounding cities and the Colorado rockies with a network of paved paths including the Clear Creek Trail, Peak to Plains Trail, US-6 Multi-Use Trail and C-470 bikeway. These trails connect further to Arvada, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Red Rocks, Denver and beyond.

    E-Bike Regulations in Colorado

    The State of Colorado has passed bill HB17-1151 concerning the regulation of electrical assissted bicycles. This bill provides definitions for the different classes of eBikes available on the market and provides requirements for manufacturer labeling and compliance with the federal consumer product safety commission requirements. The bill also:

    • Prohibits a person under the age of 16 from riding a class 3 electrical assisted bicycle except as a passenger;
    • For class 3 electrical assisted bicycles, requires all riders under 18 to wear a helmet certified by the CPSC or the American Society for Testing Materials

    Learn more about bill HB17-1151 here.

    Colorado has been ranked #6 in the listing of Bicycle Friendly States in the US.

    E-Bike Regulations in National Parks

    E-Bike Regulations vary from park to park and the National Park Service has authorized superintendents to allow e-bikes, where appropriate, on roads and trails where traditional bicycles are also allowed. Please check the park's website you are planning to visit for information about E-bike regulations in that specific park.

    For more information on Electric Bicycle regulation in the National Park System, click here.

    E-Bike Regulations on Bureau of Land Management public lands

    BLM-managed public lands offer many opportunities for riding e-bikes, including any area or trail where OHVs are currently allowed. BLM offices also have the authority to identify which non-motorized trails could be used for e-bike use on BLM-managed lands. BLM District and Field Managers are encouraged to consider authorizing e-bike use in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the e-bike rule.

    For more information on Electric Bicycle information and regulation on BLM-managed public lands, contact your local BLM office, or search blm.gov/visit.

    E-Bike Regulations on US Fish and Wildlife Refuges

    US Fish and Wildlife department has made provisions to the general provisions regarding vehicles to include e-bike provisions which may be applied by a refuge manager if it is determined that the use of e-bikes or electric bicycles is consistent with the refuge's stuatory purpose. If the use of e-bikes is determined to be a compatible use then e-bikes may be used on any refuge roads and trails where traditional bicycle use is allowed.

    Contact the refuge manager for the FWS refuge you are planning to visit for more information

    E-Bike Regulations on USDA Forest Service land

    Today, more than 60,000 miles of trails and thousands of miles of motorized trails and roads on national forests and grasslands are currently open to Class 1, 2, and 3 e-bike use.

    For more information on Electric Bicycle information and regulation on USDA Forest Service land, click here.

    Do I qualify for a Colorado Energy Office E-Bike Tax Credit?

    As of April 1, 2024 a State of Colorado e-bike tax credit is available to Coloradans. To receive the $450 discount off a qualifying e-bike purchase you must purchase from a participating retailer across the state. Bentgate is a participating ratailer in this program. Qualifying Coloradans will automatically receive the discount at the time of purchase only when they meet the program requirements. We are proud to offer all of our available ebike inventory as Colorado E-Bike Tax Credit qualified.

    You will be required to attest that you have not previously received the E-Bike Tax Credit and provide one proof of address. All documents must be dated within three months of the e-bike date of purchase. Acceptable proof of address documents include:

    • Current valid Colorado Driver’s License or ID
    • Computer-generated bill (utility, credit card, doctor, hospital, etc.)
    • Printed bank statement
    • Pre-printed pay stub (from a period within the last 3 months)
    • First-class mail (from a government agency or court)
    • Current homeowner's, renter's, or motor vehicle insurance policy
    • Mortgage, lease, or rental contract
    • Transcript or report card from an accredited school
    • Motor vehicle registration
    • USPS Change of Address Form CNL107
    • DD Form 214

    The bike you purchase must meet the program requirements as well:

    • Must meet independent UL certification standards. The e-bike must be certified to UL 2849, UL 2271, or EN 15194. E-Bikes that are UL-certified typically have a UL certification logo on the bike battery.
    • Must be a new e-bike.
    • Must have an electric motor that is 750 watts or less and must not be gasoline-powered.
    • Must have two or three wheels and fully operable pedals.
    • May be any class of e-bike (per the State of Colorado e-bike definition). Includes:
      • Class 1: an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 20 mph.
      • Class 2: an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance regardless of whether the rider is pedaling but ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 20 mph.
      • Class 3: an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 28 mph.
    • May be an adaptive e-bike.
    • No minimum purchase price; no maximum purchase price.

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